NSPA OFFICE: 2829 University Ave. SE, Su. 720, Minneapolis 55414


(612) 200-9254


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Minnesota High School Press Association provides students with the training they need to become better journalists. MHSPA’s educational programs, led by journalism experts, help us meet that goal.

Founded in January 1921, MHSPA provides recognition of outstanding publications and exceptional student work with a variety of awards. The end-of-year Gold Medallion awards, for outstanding individual achievement in writing and design for newspaper, yearbook and magazine, are presented at the fall’s state convention, as are the convention’s Best of Show awards.

In the spring, advisers can recognize their students with nominations for North Star Journalist Awards honor status, and students may nominate their adviser for Minnesota Journalism Educator of the Year. These opportunities are sponsored by MHSPA at no additional charge for MHSPA members.

All Minnesota members of the National Scholastic Press Association are automatically members of MHSPA. NSPA presents a broad range of programs for thousands of high school journalists and their advisers.

To see if you are an NSPA member, check out our membership status page. Then fill out our MHSPA membership form.

Questions or concerns?  Contact us at info@studentpress.org or call



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