Recent shows and winning reviews
2025 – Midsummer Night’s Dream
WINNER: Anavie Bernick (Minnehaha Academy)
2024 – Dial M for Murder
WINNER: Johanna Pierach (St. Paul Academy and Summit School)
2023 – Hamlet
WINNER: James Wilson (Minnehaha Academy)
Journalism Educators of Minnesota sponsors Journalism Day at Guthrie Theater, an annual event that connects students to professionals working in and reviewing the arts. Attendees have a day that includes exploring the famous Guthrie Theater, talking with a professional critic, meeting behind-the-scenes Guthrie staff, seeing an afternoon matinee, and writing a review of the show.
Students will have a few days to draft and edit the review, and winning reviewers receive a ranking and award. Journalists are encouraged to publish their reviews in their school publications.
The event happens in late-February or early-March.