MHSPA/JEM 2017-18 Planning Workshop
MHSPA and Journalism Educators of Minnesota will no longer be hosting this workshop on Saturday, May 13. We are considering rescheduling for August or September.
9-9:30 a.m. Welcome
Welcome to the workshop. Get a preview of the day’s events.
9:45-10:30 a.m. Show AND Tell: Presenting the Story
Are you presenting your story in the most effective way? How does posting a story online differ from printing it in your publication? Learn the best ways to present stories and where your role fits in the bigger picture.
10:30-11:30 a.m. Breakouts
Editorial Leadership: This is an interactive session to help editors (editors-in-chief, managing editors and section editors) become stronger leaders. We’ll discuss motivation and working with a diverse group of people. Your questions and anecdotes are welcome.
Lori Keekley, St. Louis Park High School
Writing/Reporting: Collecting quality information for your assignment is essential, but what truly makes a story vibrant comes from the writer. We will teach key techniques to make stories more compelling and powerful.
Jeff Kocur, Hopkins High School
Photography: Photography just so-so in your publication? Hear tips on how to improve the composition and quality of your images and see some great examples of student photography.
Laurie Hansen, Stillwater Area High School
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Lunch with a Local Reporter
Lunch will be provided by MHSPA. A reporter from a local publication will give a short presentation during the meal with an opportunity to ask questions.
12:30-1:45 p.m. Visual Packaging
Why do some lead story packages stand out and others fall flat? We’ll take a look at how professionals plan stories and visuals to grab a reader’s attention with a definite “wow” factor. This session will feature examples and explore the planning process to get the final results designers and readers love to see.
Gary Lundgren, NSPA/MHSPA
2-2:30 p.m. Roundtables
What do you want to take home from this event? We’ll be taking roundtable ideas as you check in for the workshop. At the end of the day, we’ll break out into small groups for in-depth discussions and to answer any lingering questions.
All sessions take place at Rochester Mayo High School.